TISER is a non- governmental organization which is dealing with raising awareness among disabled so that are aware of their basic rights and encourage them to fight against poverty and discrimination, creation awareness to the community on the environmental conservation, sanitation and hygiene issues, supporting society especially children and women affected with HIV/AIDS and orphans in terms of education upkeep and medical treatment including uniforms and school fees, conducting seminars, workshops and training in the field of HIV/AIDS,malaria,drug abuse, alcoholism and early pregnancy, supporting community in the construction of infrastructure like latrines, water supply system and health centres, encouraging the community member to form or join to the entrepreneurship groups for economic reasons, advocating the communities concerning legal matter and good governance, Assisting the charitable hospitals and health centers in procurement and distribution of equipment and affordable medical service to such institutions
The mission of TISER is to invest in society and individual person for empowerment and harmonizing them at the core of the programmes carried out by the Organization.
The vision of TISERis to drive large scale social-economic growth by leading social-economic entrepreneurship and innovation.
Respect Almighty God,Transparency and Accountability,Visionary Leadership,Integrity and Credibility,Professionalism, Good management system,Participatory,Promotion of Cohesive Society,Commitment,Observance of Human Rights,Respect of Private Property,Unity and Equity.